Top End Oral Health Service (TEOHS) visit our school as part of the Fluoride Varnish Program which aims to improve the dental health of local children.
The application of fluoride varnish is recognized as a safe and effective way for reducing dental decay. Fluoride varnish is a highly concentrated form of fluoride that is directly applied to teeth by a trained health professional. It forms a waxy coat that sticks to the teeth until it is worn off by chewing or brushing. Fluoride varnish is recommended for infant and children every 3 to 6 months based on the risk of dental decay.
TEOHS support an oral health therapist / qualified health profession to regularly attend NPS every six months.
Permission forms are handed out prior to their visit and can be returned to your class teacher or the front office.
If you have any questions about this program, you are welcome to contact TEOHS on 08 8922 6466.