Nhulunbuy Primary School staff work hard to prepare our students as they transition through school.

Students beginning Preschool are provided with opportunities to meet the teachers and spend time in the centre. Our teacher in Charge visits the two childcare centres and meets 1:1 with each family.

Preschool students visit the Primary School every week, to ensure they are provided with a comprehensive transition to primary school throughout the year. They visit the library and spend time in the transition unit spending time with the staff there. Preschool students also participate in a gross motor program at the primary school and participate in special events.

Our orientation program for Year 6 students consists of visits to the new high school and multiple opportunities to spend time with their new teachers. They participate in range of lessons, being supported by buddies.

In Term 4 all students are provided multiple opportunities to meet their new teachers in their new classroom and with their new class.